Tuesday, January 27, 2009

bit about the NO, bit about the house, much in the head

ick. winter keeps me from blogging. it's a terrible excuse but let's just forget about it because it's warm again! (ok. to back track for a sec, and redeem myself slightly, it was mainly sucky being cold because my car chose that particular week and a half stretch to die (glow plugs apparently are very important little tidbits in a vehicle (well my vehicle anyway (and do you see what an absurd mess i've made with this parenthesis situation!?))))

so-- it was warm again today and i smelled the sweet olive tree when i woke up this morning; on the ride through the quarter i thought i detected a whiff of bougainvillea too...

it almost made me forget what a ridiculous ikea-induced mess i have happening all over my upstairs (in my house, not my head tho it's not too organized up theres either) and how i have one million things to do not the least of which is make myself a fancy party dress for my friends wedding. when all i want to make are jumpsuits! soft grey ones, some with ruffly halters, others with crew neck tee-tops...

anyway so check out this funny lil mirrored house:

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