Friday, January 30, 2009

this weekend

i've been sickasadog this week and as such have done none of the bamillion things i wanted to do:

like finish the durn dress for my friends wedding (tho i did actually finish the pattern...)

or put up the crown molding in the library/sewing room/office/dining room (our house is small kay?)
or write the letter to my friend jessica i've been meaning to write
or install the glow plugs and headlights in my beautiful but temperamental car
or purchase the shuttlecock for my bargain badminton rackets (25 cents heckyeah!)

so i'm stayin in tonight for soup so i'm perky enough tomorrow to tackle my list...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

bit about the NO, bit about the house, much in the head

ick. winter keeps me from blogging. it's a terrible excuse but let's just forget about it because it's warm again! (ok. to back track for a sec, and redeem myself slightly, it was mainly sucky being cold because my car chose that particular week and a half stretch to die (glow plugs apparently are very important little tidbits in a vehicle (well my vehicle anyway (and do you see what an absurd mess i've made with this parenthesis situation!?))))

so-- it was warm again today and i smelled the sweet olive tree when i woke up this morning; on the ride through the quarter i thought i detected a whiff of bougainvillea too...

it almost made me forget what a ridiculous ikea-induced mess i have happening all over my upstairs (in my house, not my head tho it's not too organized up theres either) and how i have one million things to do not the least of which is make myself a fancy party dress for my friends wedding. when all i want to make are jumpsuits! soft grey ones, some with ruffly halters, others with crew neck tee-tops...

anyway so check out this funny lil mirrored house:

Sunday, January 11, 2009

the good part about drinking

I was talking to a friend last night while were sitting sipping infused vodka (yum=Lime+Mint, also yum=Kumquat) at this new restaurant, and she always has plenty to say, most of it insightful, much of it silly. it's a big part of why we're friends. the silly bit especially.

but i wander.

anyway. we figured out that we are of two different temperaments which pretty much changes how we handle everything. and how happy we are while were handling it. i am what you would call "angsty" and she is "chill". i torture myself with what i should be doing artistically, professionally, family-wise, whathave you; she just lives her life and moves forward. this is my version.

her version is that i'm always doing, and she is complacent. see? i told you we see things differently.

but my point is this: we both eventually get to the same place, we both meet our little goals (not the big ones yet, although of course she doesn't stress about this) so i am going to try really hard to be more "chill" about my progression and percieved sucesses and failures.

i am going to try really hard not to torture myself anymore.